
The BC Lung Screen Trial

The BC Lung Screen Trial is a study on the early detection and treatment of lung cancer, and free for the first 2000 patients.

This study is a pilot program taking place at Vancouver General Hospital that offers lung cancer screening using low-dose CT scans to participants at higher risk of developing lung cancer. 

To be eligible for this study, participants must: 

·      be between55 and 80 years of age

·      be current or former smokers

CME: Dinner with Dr. Anthony Traboulsee

An Invitation to a CCMS dinner with renowned neurologist Dr. Anthony Traboulsee of the UBC Centre for Brain Health

The Chinese Canadian Medical Society of BC is hosting an exciting dinner with Dr. Anthony Traboulsee as speaker. A renowned local neurologist, Dr. Traboulsee will be speaking about various neurological conditions, including those associated with higher prevalence rates among Asian patients. He will also touch upon the current state of research and standards of care relating to these conditions. Interested physicians will also be encouraged to ask questions of Dr.

The dinner event will from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm on Wednesday, November 21, 2018, at Sun Sui Wah Restaurant, located at 3888 Main Street in Vancouver.

CCMSBC Members Visit Hong He, Qing Dao

CCMSBC Members Participate in Medical Exchange Program in Yunnan Province, (云南省) China

September was a lively month for the Doctors of CCMSBC.  Six CCMSBC members, Drs. Kwang Yang, Hilary Hui, Susan Kwan, Caoyang Jiang, Jane Wu, and Jen Yu, attended a medical exchange program, travelling to Hong He (红河哈尼族彝族自治州), Yunnan, China, which was held from Sept. 14-20. The team also visited Qingdao (青岛) to participate in this year’s Annual Meeting of The World Association of Chinese Doctors (WACD). Other CCSMSBC Drs. Xin-Yong Wang, Youwen Zhou, and Jenny Wang also joined our trip to Qingdao.   

The album of the trip can be viewed here.  

A Wonderful Gala, AGM 2018

CCMSBC Gala / AGM 2018

CCMSBC 33rd Annual Gala / AGM was held at Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, on May 12, 2018.  About 200 CCMSBC members and their guests attended the event.

Among the guests attending the GALA, we were honored to host Dr. Eric Cadesky, President-Elect, Doctors of B.C; Mr. Kong Wei Wei, Deputy Consul General, Ms. Yu Hai Ying, Consul, Consulate General of the People's Republic of China;  Mr. Donnie Wing, Chair of Board of Directors, SUCCESS; Ms. Queenie Choo, CEO of SUCCESS; Dr. Fan Ming, President of Washington Association of Chinese American Physicians.

Dr. Xinyong Wang, CCMSBC President, Mr. Kong Wei Wei, and Dr. Eric Cadesky addressed the assembly.
