
2019 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Walk with the Dragon

Welcome to the 2019 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Walk with the Dragon

With over 30 years of history, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation's annual Walk with the Dragon has a reputation of being BC's largest family scenic walk and festival with over 4,000 individuals including participating in a panoramic walk along the seawall.

Every year, families and youth are inspired to participate and fundraise to support the cause. As a result of their generosity, proceeds of this event benefit urgently needed S.U.C.C.E.S.S. programs and services that are currently non-funded and partially funded by the government, particularly those pertaining to youth, women, families and seniors.

Details: https://walk.successfoundation.ca

Dr. Elenda Ho has signed up a team for CCMSBC. All our members are encourged to join the walk. 

An Invitation from Canadian Liver Foundation

Dear Doctors:

We are pleased to invite you to join the Canadian Liver Foundation for an educational event, “Current Perspective on Hepatitis B”, presented by Gastroenterologists, Dr. Eric Yoshida and Dr. Peter Kwan. This event is hosted, free of charge, by the Canadian Liver Foundation. Please note two different dates and locations.

Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Time: 6:30 – Registration 7:00 – Dinner

8:00 - Presentation Venue: Sun Sui Wah

3888 Main St, Vancouver

RSVP: Monica Chui



For more informatin, see the PDF file below:

Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Time: 6:30 – Registration 7:00 – Dinner

8:00 - Presentation Venue: Kirin Seafood Restaurant

200 - 7900 Westminster Hwy, Richmond

RSVP: Monica Chui



For more informatin, see the PDF file below:

Dr. Chow's Message

Dr. Matthew Chow, Doctor of BC's President-Elect, has sent the following message to our members.

Greetings to all my medical colleagues and members of CCMSBC.

Chinese-Canadians have a proud but sometimes clouded history in Canada. Those clouds include discriminatory laws against Chinese immigration, the disenfranchisement of Chinese-Canadians until 1948 (women were allowed to vote before Chinese-Canadians), and aspersions cast upon Chinese-Canadian medical students in Canadian medical schools.

Those clouds are now long past us.

For the first time in the 119 year history of the Doctors of BC, a Chinese-Canadian has been elected to the position of President-Elect.

We can all be proud of this achievement. We honour the hard work and sacrifice of our forebears who made this moment possible.

Let us continue to work together to ensure diversity and inclusion in our medical profession. Let us help groups who have or continue be discriminated against as once we were. Let us advance health awareness and advocate on health concerns together.

Matthew Chow, MD, FRCPC


Dr Matthew Chow Becomes President-Elect of Doctor of BC

"Dr Matthew Chow has been elected as President-Elect for the 2019/2020 year in the recent Doctors of BC election which saw a total of 1,784 members cast their vote.

Dr%20Matthew%20ChowDr Chow, a psychiatrist in the Vancouver area, has been involved in medical leadership for a number of years. He currently holds the position of co-chair of the Specialist Services Committee(link is external) and serves as the Doctors of BC representative on the Medical Services Commission(link is external)."

Please see Doctor of BC's web site for details.

Please Vote in BCMA Election!

Dear Members,
Here is just a friendly reminder to cast your vote to elect the next president of Doctors of BC. The deadline is fast approaching.
The candidates are Drs. Charuka Maheswaran and Dr. Matthew Chow.
A list of the past-presidents of Doctors of BC is attached for your reference.
Let’s give our voices!
Best Regards,
Brian Xin Yong Wang MD CCFP
President, CCMS

CCMSBC AGM and Gala Dinner Announced

CCMSBC Annual General Meeting and Gala Dinner

Date & Time: Sunday, June 2, 2019. (ticket $175)

6:00 pm  - Cocktail Reception (hosted)

7:00 pm - Dinner and prize draws, dance to follow (live band: Federico).

Location: The Fairmont Waterfront hotel vancouver downtown 

900 Canada Place Way, Vancouver
Maps & Directions 

Please contact Dr. Thomas Wong for tickets.

Dr. Thomas Wong, Aberdeen Medical Health Centre, Tel. 604-233-0068, Fax 604-233-0078

2180-4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond BC, V6X 4J7

Regarding the Diversity & Inclusion Survey, please respond

Dear Members,

The CCMS Board has been approached by Doctors of BC to support their Diversity & Inclusion Survey/Initiative. Our Board has agreed that this is a valuable initiative and would like to urge our members to participate in this process.

As we all know, the origin of our Society can be traced back to more than 30 years ago, when physicians with Chinese ethnic background across Canada got together to protest against discriminatory policies in medical education. Our Society, and the Canadian Chinese community as a whole, have come a long way since then.

We applaud the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative from Doctors of BC, and we believe inputs from our members are essential in this process.

So dear colleagues and friends, please spend a few minutes to complete the Survey, which was emailed to us on February 25th. I completed mine in less than 10 minutes.

Together, let's make sure that we have our voice heard!

Best Reagrds,

Brian Xin Yong Wang MD CFPC

President, CCMSBC

Survey Details can be found here.
