
Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA)’s 4th General Congress

The Chinese Medical Doctor Association (CMDA)’s 4th General Congress and General Meeting was held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, on January 9, 2018.  Dr. Jen Yu attended this conference as a representative for CCSMSBC and its’ president, Dr. Wang. She also attended the Forum for Overseas Delegates – which hosted physicians from the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. These physicians expressed great enthusiasm and interest in collaborating with the CMDA - working together in promoting the fellowship of practicing Chinese physicians, facilitating medical education among Chinese physicians, and promoting the general health of Chinese people all over the world. This meeting also published the “Chinese Physician’s Practice Status White Paper”.

CCMS Members at WACD 2017

2017 Annual Meeting of The Wold Association of Chinese Doctors (WCAD) was held on Sept. 21st, 2017 in Qing Dao China.

CCMSBC deligation was lead by Dr Xin Yong Wang, includoing other CCMSBC board members.  We wecieved a warm welcome by the conference and Dr. Yan Ling Zhang, the President of WAAD.


Dr. Edmond Chan Won the Jerry Dolovich Award

Congratulations to Dr. Edmond Chan for winning this year's Jerry Dolovich Award for Contributions to Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Canada. 

Dr. Edmond Chan is the Head and a Clinical Associate Professor of the Division of Allergy & Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, UBC.  He is also the ex-President and life member of CCMSBC.  

The Jerry Dolovich Award is presented to a member who demonstrates excellence in clinical work, teaching, and research, and serves as a leader and role model in the specialty. 

CME Event

Continuing medical education

Starting with The End in Mind: Improving Patient Functioning in MDD  (Invitation here)

Dr. Diane McIntosh, MD, FRCPC Wednesday October 18, 2017

Registration 6:30 PM Presentation 7PM

Miku Restaurant

Jessica Prasad
604-308-7147, pjes@lundbeck.com

CCMSBC Gala 2017

Thanks to Dr. Thomas Wong, MC Dr. Jane Wu and Dr. Dayan Huang, and many volunteers, our members and their guests enjoyed a great evening. A photo album is availabe now.
